Below you will find commonly asked questions about benefits. If your query isn't answered here, please contact us.
Who can claim Housing Benefit?
You can find information on the Housing Benefit page.
What documents do I need to provide to claim Council Tax reduction and/or Housing Benefit?
You must provide proof of the following:
your identification
your National Insurance number
your income
your self-employed accounts
state benefits received
other income
savings and capital
household members
non dependants' income.
What rent details are required to claim Housing Benefit?
We require a current signed tenancy agreement or your rent book.
How do I notify you of a change in my circumstances?
Read the information on the Change of Circumstances for Housing Benefit page and complete the online form.
What information is given to landlords?
Under the Data Protection Act and Social Security Acts we cannot automatically give information about Housing Benefit claims to landlords.
However, if a tenant has given us written permission to talk about their claim, we will tell their landlord:
whether there is a claim for housing benefit and, if so, whether we have made a decision about it
whether we need further information to make a decision on the claim and, if so what information this is.
How do I report a suspected case of benefit fraud?
You can find information about this on the Fraud page.
Where can I find independent advice on claiming benefit?
You can find information about this on the Citizens Advice Rural Cambs website.
I'm struggling to pay my rent, is there any more help available?
You may be able to find further helpful information in the 'Additional help' section at the bottom of the Discretionary Housing Payments page.
Who can claim Council Tax reduction?
Please see the information on the Council Tax Support page.