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Council & Democracy


The reports below list details of payments made by the council that are over £250. After April 2017, the details of the payments that are over £250 exclude VAT, since July 2018 the details include both exclusive and inclusive figures. The information is updated on a quarterly basis.

We publish this information so you can see what the council spends money on. The payments are for goods and services, grant payments, payments to other public bodies and expense payments.






Coronavirus grant funding: local authority payments to small and medium businesses






Documents for previous years can be viewed in our finance document archive.

What is included in the expenditure reports?

Below is a brief explanation of the information provided in the reports:

  • Body - this is a unique local government ID specific to Huntingdonshire District Council. It is taken from the statistics website.
  • Body name - name of the authority making the payment
  • Supplier number - a unique reference number
  • Supplier name - the name of the supplier that has received a payment
  • Transaction Number - this is the reference code from the financial system that is used to identify the invoice that has been paid
  • Invoice date - the date of the invoice
  • Their Ref - suppliers reference number
  • Narr1 - short description of the payment
  • Paid date - the date the payment was processed by the council. It usually takes 3 working days to reach the recipient
  • VAT amount - the amount of VAT on the invoice
  • Exclusive amount - the amount of payment excluding VAT
  • Inclusive amount - the total amount including VAT
  • Expense area - this shows the service area/activity that spent the money
  • Expense type - the description of the type of expenditure, for example: equipment maintenance, telephones
  • Expense code - the internal account code which represents the Expense type