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Council & Democracy

Huntingdonshire District Council has 52 councillors, also known as members, who represent 26 wards across the district.

View the Huntingdonshire district wards map [PDF, 0.4MB].

From 3 May 2018, district council elections will be held every four years. The last election took place on 5 May 2022.

The current political composition of the council is:

  • Conservative - 19

  • Liberal Democrat - 11

  • HDC Independent Group - 10

  • Cambs Independent Group - 7

  • Labour - 4

  • Green Party - 1

Find Your Local Councillor

Joint Administration Agreement

 Joint Administration Agreement between HDC Independent, Liberal Democrat, Labour and Green Groups

What is a councillor?

Councillors are elected by local people to plan, run, monitor and develop council business. They work to improve the quality of life of people within the district and make decisions about local issues.

Councillors are the voice of their community and have the opportunity to make a significant difference to the lives of residents. They are involved in decision-making through Full Council meetings, regulatory committees and panels and as members on partnership boards. They also influence and determine the development and review of policies and strategies and play a part in the overview and scrutiny function.

Councillors also act as community leaders and work in partnership with other organisations, including the voluntary and community sector, to improve services and quality of life for local residents.

We have a Code of Conduct [PDF, 0.2MB] that applies to all of our councillors.

You can contact your councillors to help you if you have a local issue that you want to bring to their attention or are dissatisfied with the council’s Services.

Becoming a councillor

52 district councillors were elected in May 2022 to represent the community. The next election will take place in May 2026.

If you would like to know more about becoming a district councillor, please visit the Local Government Association website

View the Me, a District Councillor? [PDF, 0.4MB] leaflet. This leaflet will be updated ahead of the 2026 elections.

View Job Descriptions for Elected Members [PDF, 0.2MB].

Councillors' expenses and allowances

At the meeting of the council held on 29 March 2023 and following a review by an Independent Remuneration Panel, the council adopted a new scheme for the payment of allowances to District Councillors which will operate from 1 April 2023.

View the Member's Allowance Scheme [PDF, 0.2MB].

Details of allowances paid to District Councillors in 2023/24 are available in the District Councillor's Expenditure Report 2023/24 [PDF, 0.2MB].

Complaints about councillors

Please visit the Complaints About Councillors page for further information.