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Healthy You logoHealthy You, funded by Cambridgeshire County Council and Peterborough City Council, is here to provide information and support to individuals of Huntingdonshire who want to be more physically active and live a healthier lifestyle.

We run a range of free activities funded through the Healthy You project, which can be found below.

Contact or 01480 388111 for more information or to enrol on any of our courses.

Upcoming courses

Courses coming soon!
  • Beginners HIIT - A FREE 6-week course giving you an introduction to HIIT training. With a mix of aerobic and strength exercises, beginners HIIT is the best way to get the most out of your workout.

  • Beginners Indoor Cycling - A FREE 6-week course is a safe space to become confident on the bike in class, before transitioning into a 'mainstream' session. Over the weeks we will get your heart pumping, your confidence building and your feet pedalling!

  • Beginners Pilates - A FREE 6-week course that teaches you the foundations of the Pilates technique, to give you the confidence to progress to a higher-level Pilates class.

  • Beginners Pilates for Men - A FREE 6-week course specifically for men, teaching you the foundations of the Pilates technique, to give you the confidence to progress to a higher-level Pilates class.

  • Beginners Yoga - FREE 6-week course focusing on teaching the physical postures of yoga with an emphasis on the breath. The class is designed to increase your confidence to transition into a mainstream Yoga class.

  • Chair-based Yoga - A FREE 6-week seated course focusing on teaching the physical postures of yoga with an emphasis on the breath. The class is accessible to those who are unable to exercise from the floor.

  • Healthy Eating Workshop - This workshop's focus is improving people's confidence in choosing healthy choices, understanding food groups, serving sizes, portions and the real joy of eating food. The design of the nutrition and healthy eating workshops is based on being engaging, interactive and motivating. It is important to note that the sessions are covering the very basics of healthy eating. This is not aimed at specific medical conditions, dietary intolerances or those with allergies. Those wanting specific advice should consult a GP or dietician.  

  • Indoor Cycling for Teenagers - A FREE 6-week course providing a safe space for teenagers (14+) to become confident on the bike in a class.

  • Intro to Circuits - A FREE 6-week course giving an introduction to circuit training. Exercises will combine strength and cardio training for beginners targeting the entire body.

  • Intro to Functional Fitness - A FREE course teaching you how to train more effectively to increase all aspects of your physical health - movement, strength, core stability and balance! Ideal for currently inactive adults.

  • None to Run - A FREE 8-week beginner's running course designed to build up your confidence to go from walking to running continuously for up to 30 minutes.

  • Relax and Unwind - The Relax and Unwind course is a collection of 6 sessions which aim to support you to take some time to soothe, relax and refresh your mind and body.

  • Shoot for Health - A FREE football course for people with a BMI of over 25 and who are inactive. The football course will help you improve your fitness, football skills and help with weight loss. Find out your BMI on the NHS Website.

  • Strength and Conditioning - A FREE 6-week course designed to improve functionality and confidence to progress into mainstream fitness classes.

  • Studio Sessions for Teenagers - A FREE 6-week course teaching you how to train more effectively to increase all aspects of your physical health - movement, strength, core stability and balance! Ideal for currently inactive teenagers.

  • Swim for Health - A FREE 6-week swimming course for inactive people with a BMI of over 25. The swimming course will help you improve your fitness, swimming ability and help with weight loss - ultimately giving you more confidence in the pool! Find out your BMI on the NHS Website. This course will also include an informal 'Healthy Eating' chat after the swimming session on one of the weeks.

For more information on the Healthy You project, or to find out what activities are taking place in Huntingdonshire, please contact, or find us on social media: