How much notice do you need?
Get in touch as soon as you are planning an event and have a date in mind, even if you held the same event last year. Please do not assume you can automatically hold an annual event. We advise that you do not spend money on your event, or advertise it, until we have given you permission to hold it. If you wish to have an informal discussion about possibilities then please get in touch with the Development Team.
We will need a completed application form and all the relevant paperwork at least four weeks before your event. If it is a large event or involves more complex activities and we ask you to attend a Safety Advisory Group Meeting we will need a completed application form and relevant paper work at least three months before your event.
Why do I need to give you so much notice?
The more notice you give us, the more time you have to organise your event. We may not allow your event to take place if there is already another large event on the site or within the locality at the same time – we have to take into account things like the effect on the local community, parking etc.
We also need time to go through the documents you provide. These are emailed to the relevant people within the council and possibly to the members of the ESAG. Until issues have been resolved we cannot give you permission to hold your event.
We also plan grounds maintenance work a few weeks in advance. If we know about your event we can look at arranging schedules such as tree safety work and grass cutting - firstly so we don’t disturb your event (loud grass mowers going backwards and forwards are intrusive) and also to see if it’s possible to schedule a grass cut before your event to make the site more suitable for you.
Why do I need to let you know about a small event?
As landowners, we may be liable for incidents that happen on our land so we need to make sure it is going to be held safely and responsibly. We also need to ensure there are no clashes with other events and arrange grounds maintenance schedules.
I only want a bouncy castle outside my house for a private party – do I have to let you know?
Yes. Please see the inflatables section for further information and the health and safety aspects.
I want a bouncy castle in my garden - do I have to let you know?
No, but to keep you and your partygoers safe it would be a good idea to request copies of any appropriate documents before you make a booking so you can check the supplier's credentials.
What will happen if you don’t allow my event to go ahead?
As far as possible we will work with you to resolve any issues that may prevent us from allowing your event to go ahead.
Why do you need to know the potential income from our event?
We have a series of charges as laid out in the events policy depending upon the site and who the funds are going to. We use the information to work out the charges.
My event is only a few weeks away – can I still hold it?
Please speak to the Development Team to discuss your event.